Stigmella incognitella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855)

  • Farm building and their surroundings
  • Gardens
  • Orchards
5 - 6 mm
Grey Apple Pigmy
Obelinė raudonoji kandelė
Grey Apple Pigmy
Drobník jablčný
Brun apeldvärgmal
Моль-малютка яблонная краевая

Primary host-plants

FamilyLatin nameVernacular name
RosaceaeMalus baccataSiberian crabapple
Malus domesticaApple tree
Malus floribundaJapanese flowering crabapple
Malus sylvestrisCrab Apple

Synonyms and other combinations

Nepticula incognitellaHerrich-Schäffer, 1855
Nepticula pomellaVaughan, 1858
Nepticula maliHering, 1932
External links