Lepidoptera Mundi (formerly European Butterflies and Moths)
European Moth Nights is a cyclic event that consists of observing and collecting information about moths (Heterocera, Macrolepidoptera) in the same time period throughout Europe.
Portal Lepidoptera Mundi together with the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology and Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz (Poland) continue the project started in 2004 and initiated by Hungarian and Swiss Entomological Societies.
We count on the help of entomology societies, groups, organizations as well as amateur entomologists who care about biodiversity protection. Each year we have 5 days for carrying out observations. Data can be collected on one or more designated days in one or more places. We encourage you to take part in the initiative and we count on your help.
The records can be added online or offline using a Excel template. The completed Excel sheet should be sent by the deadline of October 31, 2024.
More information about the European Moth Nights event you can find here.

2024.12.15 Website update
After a longer break, I invite you to vist the website after the update. Below is a short list of changes:
  • Over 250 new species added,
  • Over 300 new thumbnails added,
  • Updated hostplants list,
  • Systematics update.
Galería de imágenes14.691
Imágenes de preparaciones460