Caradrina (Paradrina) clavipalpis Scopoli, 1763

[Slovenia, Kranjska,] Carniola
Forewing pale to dark grey with darker dusting and sometimes tinged with ochreous; the terminal area generally fuscous; the lines starting from black costal spots; the inner and outer double, blackish, the inner minutely waved, the outer dentate; subterminal line pale, waved, preceded by a grey shade with dentate rufous marks in it; stigmata small, fuscous, the orbicular rounded, the reniform a narrow lunule, with two white dots on its inner edge and three on outer; hindwing white, the veins and termen dark grey; — in laciniosa Donz. the subterminal line consists of a row of 3 yellowish spots each extended to termen; — the form leucoptera Thnbg. , from Scandinavia, Finland, and the Ural Mts., has fuscous suffusion over the head, thorax, and forewing, the hindwing remaining white.

  • Dry slopes
  • Fallow land
  • Forest edges
  • Glades
  • Waysides
28 - 34 mm
Blýskavka čtyřtečná
Pale Mottled Willow
Noctuelle cubiculaire
Naminis dykrinukas
Halovány szürkebagoly
Światłówka izdebnica
Sivkavec štvorbodý
Allmänt lövfly
Совка наземная четырехпятнистая
Совка четырёхточечная

Primary host-plants

FamilyLatin nameVernacular name
CaryophyllaceaeStellaria mediaCommon Chickweed
PolygonaceaeRumex acetosaCommon Sorrel

Known subspecies

SpeciesAuthorLocus typicus
Caradrina (Paradrina) clavipalpis clavipalpisScopoli, 1763
Caradrina (Paradrina) clavipalpis fogoensisTraub & Bauer, 1983Cabo Verde, Fogo, Cha de Chaldeiras
Caradrina (Paradrina) clavipalpis harappaHacker, 2004Pakistan, Baltistan, Gilgit
Caradrina (Paradrina) clavipalpis pinkeriKobes, 1975Portugal, Madeira, Santo da Serra
Caradrina (Paradrina) clavipalpis teidevolansPinker, 1974Spain, Canary Islands, Teneriffe, El Teide
External links