Lithostege farinata (Hufnagel, 1767)

Germany, Berlin

  • Fallow land
  • Farm building and their surroundings
  • Fields
  • Meadows
27 - 31 mm
Šedokřídlec moučnatý
Hvid pukkelmåler
Mehlfarbener Raukenspanner
Phalène neigeuse
Ezüstfehér araszoló
Pokrocz szroniak
Piadivka pomúčená
Vit puckelmätare
Пяденица гулявниковая
Пяденица толстобедрая белая

Primary host-plants

FamilyLatin nameVernacular name
BrassicaceaeBerteroa incanaHoary alyssum
Descurainia sophiaFlixweed
Sisymbrium officinaleHedge mustard

Secondary host-plants

FamilyLatin nameVernacular name
BrassicaceaeAlliaria petiolataGarlic mustard
Raphanus raphanistrumWild radish
Sinapis arvensisCharlock

Synonyms and other combinations

Lithostege bachmutensisProut, 1937

Lithostege farinata is a member of the clade Lithostege farinata

Lithostege ancyranaProut, 1938
Lithostege coassata(Hübner, 1825)
Lithostege farinata(Hufnagel, 1767)
Lithostege fissurataMabille, 1888
Lithostege flavicornata(Zeller, 1847)
Lithostege griseata(Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Lithostege infuscata(Eversmann, 1837)
Lithostege luigiViidalepp, 1992
Lithostege luminosataChristoph, 1885
Lithostege narynensisProut, 1938
Lithostege notataA. Bang-Haas, 1906
Lithostege palaestinensisAmsel, 1935
Lithostege parvaShchetkin, 1965
Lithostege turkmenicaTsvetajev, 1971
External links