Charaxes (Charaxes) jasius (Linnaeus, 1767)

The uppersides of the wings are dark brown with orange margins. The hindwings bring two short tails, characteristic of most species of the genus. Close to these tails there are a few blue markings. The underside of the wings is reddish brown with numerous darker bands edged with white or gray. The orange marginal band is also present on the undersides of the wings and it is preceded by a white transversal band. The caterpillar is green, cylindrical and has two yellow ocelli on the back. The head bears four horns facing backwards.

75 - 85 mm
Papallona de l'arboç
Two-tailed Pasha
El Bajá
Nymphale de l´Arbousier
Pacha à deux queues
Ninfa del corbezzolo
Piękniś sułtanek
Çift Kuyruklu Paţa
Πεταλούδα της κουμαριάς
Харксес язиус
נימפית הקטלב

Primary host-plants

FamilyLatin nameVernacular name
EricaceaeArbutus unedoStrawberry Tree
External links