Agriades cassiope (J. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1998)

Western USA

21 - 25 mm
Cassiope Blue

Primary host-plants

FamilyLatin nameVernacular name
EricaceaeCassiope mertensianaWestern moss heather

Synonyms and other combinations

Plebejus cassiopeJ. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1998

Agriades cassiope is a member of the clade Agriades aquilo

Agriades aquilo(Boisduval, 1832)
Agriades cassiope(J. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1998)
Agriades diodorus(Bremer, 1861)
Agriades franklinii(Curtis, 1835)
Agriades glandon(de Prunner, 1798)
Agriades podarce(C. & R. Felder, 1865)
External links