Stigmella minusculella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855)

  • Farm building and their surroundings
  • Gardens
  • Orchards
5 - 6 mm
Brown-tipped Pigmy
Kriaušinė kandelė
Minuscule perenmineermot
Drobník lesklý
زغبورة صغيرة

Primary host-plants

FamilyLatin nameVernacular name
RosaceaePyrus communisEuropean Pear
Pyrus elaeagrifoliaOleaster-leafed pear
Pyrus spinosaAlmond-leaved pear
Sorbopyrus auricularisShipova

Synonyms and other combinations

Nepticula minusculellaHerrich-Schäffer, 1855
Nepticula chalybeiaBraun, 1914
Nepticula embonellaKlimesch, 1978
External links