Ornithoptera (Ornithoptera) priamus (Linnaeus, 1758)CITES

Male. The upperside fore wings are velvety black. There is a green (most races) subcostal stripe and a green (most subspecies) marginal stripe bordering the termen, tormen and dorsum of the wing. The sex brand is black and longish. The underside of the forewing is black. There is a chain of bluish or green postdiscal spots. The hind wings are green. At the wing's leading edge (costa) there are basal yellow-gold spots. There is also a postdiscal chain of black spots. The edge of the hind wing is black. The underside is dark-green or bluish. The yellow-golden spots are transparent. The veins are partly black and the marginal edge of the wing is black. At the outer edge there is a postdiscal chain of black spots. The body (abdomen) is yellow. Head and thorax are black. The underside of thorax has a red hair-coat. Female: Ornithoptera priamus is sexually dimorphic. The female is larger than the male and in the upper range of the wing-span. The basic colour of the female is dark-brown. There is a chain of white postdiscal spots on the fore wings. There is a chain of larger white postdiscal spots with dark centres on the hindwing. The underside is very similar to the upper. Larva: First instar larvae are wine-red on hatching. They soon turn black or dark brown. All segments have soft tubercles with stiff ends bearing black spines. On 4th segment tubercles are red. The tubercles are dark brown on the other segments. In the second instar, the tubercles lack spines, the 4th tubercles are light red and on the other segments they are the same colour as the body. In the third instar, there is a white to pink saddlemark on the 4th segment. In the fourth and fifth instars, the ground colour is ashy-grey to brown, the saddlemark on the 4th segment is white and the tubercles on the 4th segment are white. There may be saddlemarks on the 5th segment and the 6th segment. The tips of the tubercle are black and the osmeterium is dark red.

180 - 220 mm
Cape York Birdwing
Common Green Birdwing
New Guinea Birdwing
Northern Birdwing
Priam's Birdwing

Primary host-plants

FamilyLatin nameVernacular name
AristolochiaceaeAristolochia acuminataNative Dutchman's Pipe
Aristolochia clematitisEuropean Birthwort
Aristolochia griffithii
Aristolochia indica
Aristolochia kaempferi
Aristolochia tagalaIndian birthwort
Pararistolochia deltantha
Pararistolochia dielsiana
Pararistolochia praevenosaRichmond Birdwing Butterfly Vine
Pararistolochia schlechteri

Ornithoptera (Ornithoptera) priamus is a member of the clade Ornithoptera priamus

Ornithoptera (Ornithoptera) aesacusNey, 1903
Ornithoptera (Ornithoptera) croesusWallace, 1859
Ornithoptera (Ornithoptera) priamus(Linnaeus, 1758)
External links