Lethe (Lethe) chandica (Moore, [1858])

55 - 60 mm
Angle Red Forester
Angled Red Forester

Known subspecies

SpeciesAuthorLocus typicus
Lethe (Lethe) chandica chandicaMoore, 1858
Lethe (Lethe) chandica coelestisLeech, 1892
Lethe (Lethe) chandica flanonaFruhstorfer, 1911
Lethe (Lethe) chandica namuraFruhstorfer, 1911
Lethe (Lethe) chandica suvarnaFruhstorfer, 1908

Lethe (Lethe) chandica is a member of the clade Lethe minerva

Lethe (Lethe) berdieviMonastyrskii, 2005
Lethe (Lethe) bhairava(Moore, 1857)
Lethe (Lethe) camillaLeech, 1891
Lethe (Lethe) chandica(Moore, [1858])
Lethe (Lethe) christophiLeech, 1891
Lethe (Lethe) delilaStaudinger, [1897]
Lethe (Lethe) diana(Butler, 1866)
Lethe (Lethe) distansButler, 1870
Lethe (Lethe) eitschbergeriLang, 2020
Lethe (Lethe) guansiaSugiyama, 1999
Lethe (Lethe) gulnihalde Nicéville, 1887
Lethe (Lethe) konkakiniMonastyrskii & Devyatkin, 2000
Lethe (Lethe) kouleikouzanaYoshino, 2008
Lethe (Lethe) latiaris(Hewitson, 1863)
Lethe (Lethe) luyanquaniHuang, 2019
Lethe (Lethe) matajaFruhstorfer, 1908
Lethe (Lethe) mekara(Moore, [1858])
Lethe (Lethe) melisanaMonastyrskii, 2005
Lethe (Lethe) minerva(Fabricius, 1775)
Lethe (Lethe) philesanaMonastyrskii & Devyatkin, 2000
Lethe (Lethe) philesanoidesMonastyrskii & Devyatkin, 2003
Lethe (Lethe) privignaLeech, [1892]
Lethe (Lethe) satyavatide Nicéville, 1881
Lethe (Lethe) scanda(Moore, 1857)
Lethe (Lethe) sicelidesGrose-Smith, 1893
Lethe (Lethe) tengchongensisLang, 2016
Lethe (Lethe) titaniaLeech, 1891
Adult, underside.

All Rights Reserved  Albert Lau
China, 香港
Adult, underside.

All Rights Reserved  Albert Lau
China, 香港
Adult, underside.

All Rights Reserved  Albert Lau
China, 香港
Adult, underside.

All Rights Reserved  Albert Lau
China, 香港
Adult, underside.

All Rights Reserved  Albert Lau
China, 南陵县
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