Coleophora ibipennella Zeller, 1849 |
10 - 14 mm |
Forest Case-bearer Sárgaerű zsákosmoly Geelsnuiteikenkokermot Rúrkovček hruškový Brunstreckad eksäckmal |
Synonyms and other combinations | |
Coleophora alba | Toll, 1952 |
Coleophora peralba | Toll, 1954 |
Coleophora ibipennella Zeller, 1849 |
10 - 14 mm |
Forest Case-bearer Sárgaerű zsákosmoly Geelsnuiteikenkokermot Rúrkovček hruškový Brunstreckad eksäckmal |
Synonyms and other combinations | |
Coleophora alba | Toll, 1952 |
Coleophora peralba | Toll, 1954 |