Appias (Appias) lyncida (Cramer, 1777)

Wet-season form: Male - white above, with bluish costa and termen inwardly edged with black teeth-like markings on the forewing. The hindwing is similarly toothed on the termen, which has a bluish inward border. The underside of the hindwing is bright yellow and is outwardly bordered with dark chocolate.
Female - black upperside of the forewing with four white streaks on the disc. Blackish upperside of the hindwing except for the whitish discal area. The underside of the hindwing may be yellowish or whitish and have broad dark band at the termen.

Dry-season form: smaller. Male - The male has narrower black margins above.
Female - Similar above to the wet-season form, but with more extensive white markings.

55 - 70 mm
Chocolate Albatross
ചോക്കളേറ്റ് ആൽബട്രോസ്

Primary host-plants

FamilyLatin nameVernacular name
Crateva religiosaSacred garlic pear

Known subspecies

SpeciesAuthorLocus typicus
Appias (Appias) lyncida andreaEschscholtz, 1821
Appias (Appias) lyncida balambangensisAbang, Treadaway & H.G. Schroeder, 2004Malaysia, Sabah, Balambangan Island
Appias (Appias) lyncida eleonoraBoisduval, 1836
Appias (Appias) lyncida enarentinaFruhstorfer, 1900
Appias (Appias) lyncida formosanaWallace, 1866
Appias (Appias) lyncida galbanaFruhstorfer, 1910
Appias (Appias) lyncida latifasciataMoore, 1881
Appias (Appias) lyncida lepidanaFruhstorfer, 1910
Appias (Appias) lyncida lyncidaCramer, 1777
Appias (Appias) lyncida maccinaFruhstorfer, 1911
Appias (Appias) lyncida nicobaricaMoore, 1905
Appias (Appias) lyncida subenareteSchröder & Treadaway, 1989
Appias (Appias) lyncida taprobanaMoore, 1879
Appias (Appias) lyncida vasavaFruhstorfer, 1910
Adult, underside.

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China, 香港
Adult, underside.

All Rights Reserved  Albert Lau
China, 香港
Adult, underside.

All Rights Reserved  Albert Lau
Adult, underside.

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